The Electoral College is an arcane out-dated system that allows the will of the people to go subverted when picking the President of the United States, by giving 538 people the power to become “electors”. Of these “electors” a Presidential candidate must receive 270 votes in order to win the election. The problem with it is that a Presidential candidate only needs those 270 votes and can lose the national popular vote by hundreds of thousands of people and still be the winner. This means that the true will of the people goes unheard, which ultimately means that we are not a true Representative Democracy.

This system is also the reason that a Third Party candidate will never have a legitimate chance to win the seat of the Presidency. The reason this is true is because, even if a Third Party candidate is able to win enough states and no candidate gets to the 270 mark, they will never get the House of Representatives to vote them in because The House is a split between Democrats and Republican, with a couple of Independents. If it is forced to go to The House, Democrats will vote for the Democrat and Republicans will vote for the Republican. And that ultimately means that the Third party candidate will lose regardless of their Electoral Vote total, or the number of people that voted for them.

So if you’re a citizen that believes that One Vote Equals One Vote, or a  member of one of the Third Parties, this should be an action that you champion, because it helps your cause better than trying to win the majority of the seats in the House or Senate, which could take decades!

To sum it up, a Presidential Election without an Electoral College would mean that the will of the people will be heard and would never go subverted again, plus we can start fielding viable Third Party candidates to fill the seat of the President as soon as 2020.

If you want to know more about The Electoral College and why its out-dated, click here.

One Vote Equals One Vote

We are asking you to sign this petition in an attempt to get Congress to amend Article Two, Section One, Clauses 2, 3 and 4 (the articles pertaining to the Electors, known as The Electoral College) of the Constitution of The United States of America to allow US Citizens to choose the President of the United States of America by popular vote.

By amending these Clauses, of this Section our Representative Democracy will become one where the will of the People can no longer be subverted. No longer will Presidential nominees have to determine their paths to victory by trying to figure out which swing state has the most value in a race to compile 270 Electoral Votes.

Also, by amending these Clauses, it will give the Third Party Presidential nominees a legitimate chance to win the seat of the President, because they will never have to worry about a path to 270! They will no longer be considered to be a protest vote, or the upset candidates. They will be free to campaign knowing that all they need to do is appeal to the People and they can win.

So if you’re a citizen that believes that One Vote Equals One Vote, or a member of one of the Third Parties, this should be an action that you champion!

Thanks ATEC

%%your signature%%

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